Laptops Buying Guide

Laptops buying guide

Hello friends, today we are discussing about the laptops. As we know laptops buying are not easy. There are some important topics and tips for you, so let’s get started

1) screen size :

The laptop screen size are vary from the 11 inches to 17 inches. So mainly there are 3 category

a) size < 14 inch : this type of screen size are chosen by the people who want to the carry there laptop meanwhile this type is suitable for travelers and programmers. These laptops are easy to carry because of lightweight and has more battery capacity. If want to become a programmer or traveller then go with this.

b) 14 < size < 16 : this type of size are chosen by a people Who want a laptops for regular work or for entertainment purposes. In this type 15.6 inches laptops are mostly to be found. If you want a laptop for casual works and entertainment go with this.

c) 16 < size : this type of laptop are chosen by a professional gamers or a editors . These laptops has weight more than 2 kg and also expensive . If you want laptop for editing purpose or gaming you should definitely go with this.

Tip : for screen resolution you should go with atleast FHD display (1920 x 1080 pixels)

2) processor (CPU) :

Processor is the main part of the laptop we can also be said this a heart of the laptop. Processor defines the speed of processing in a particular system. Most of the laptops are coming with the two main processor brands Intel and AMD. If you want a laptops for programming you should go with intel I3 or I5. If you want a laptops for casual editing and casual gaming then go with Intel I5 or I3 8th generation (at least). If you want laptop for professional gaming or editing then should definitely go with intel I7 or AMD ryzen 5 or 7

Tip : if you are buying laptop with intel processor then go with latest generation ( 8th gen)

3) RAM and Storage Capacity :

RAM is considered for a multitasking . For storage capacity there are two types HDD and SSD. For a RAM at least you want 4GB for casual uses and 8GB or more for gaming and editing. As my opinion you should by a 8GB ddr4 RAM. Now For a storage capacity most of the laptops provide hdd type but it is much more slower than ssd and also cheaper than ssd. SSD are always better than hdd but more expensive if you can afford ssd then go with this for video editing you must have a SSD storage.

Tip : for storage go with the hybrid (HDD + SSD) 1TB hdd and 128GB ssd

4)Battery and Pricing :

Battery is an important factor of laptop. It is also depends on a uses of laptop. If you screen size and resolution are low you will get more battery backup. For battery you should go with HP or Dell brand which will provide you a decent battery life.

Now the most important factor is budget or a pricing.

  1. If you want laptops for programming only then you can go with 20k INR to 30k INR
  2. If you want laptops for casual uses and entertainment go with 30k INR to 45k INR
  3. If you want laptop for professional then iys depends about your financial condition but you should go at least 75k INR.

Tip : if you search gaming laptops you will find laptop under 50k but you should not go with these laptops for gaming. If you got two versions of same model you can go with the dos versions it can save your money.

Thank you ( if i miss something mention in comment box)

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